钢铁帝国 发表于 2021-8-23 10:55

HIYA 新品:1/18 - 异形大战铁血战士 半透明刀疤铁血 & 机械战警2 机械卡恩

Scar, also known as the "Alien Hunter", was a Young Blood Yautja who in 2004 traveled to Earth with his brothers Celtic and
Chopper, they hoped to become Blooded Yautja. Scar was the youngest and smartest of the three brothers, he in fact killed several
Xenomorph prey including a Queen, but was mortally wounded by the Queen and died soon after the creature was slain. He was
also impregnated by a Facehugger, and was host to the Predalien.
Now we presenting this Active Camouflage Scar, Same as the movie scenes, retails for $19.99 each, and scheduled to ship to
retailers Q1 2022

HIYA 极致迷你系列 1/18 异形大战
铁血战士 半透明刀疤铁血

钢铁帝国 发表于 2021-8-23 10:56

HIYA 极致迷你系列 1/18 机械战警
2 机械卡恩 5寸超可动模型

Cain was violently insane criminal, hopelessly addicted to a highly-addictive narcotic — aka “NUKE”. Following his death, his brain
was inserted into the cyborg RoboCop 2 by Dr. Juliette Faxx, an unethical psychologist working for OCP, after the battle with
RoboCop, his brain finally crushed.
Now this ferocious robot has presenting by HIYA TOYS, retails for $49.99 each, and is scheduled to ship to retailers Q1 2022.

usus 发表于 2021-8-23 21:25

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查看完整版本: HIYA 新品:1/18 - 异形大战铁血战士 半透明刀疤铁血 & 机械战警2 机械卡恩