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越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

发表于 2007-8-12 01:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBICN 上海旗舰淘宝店
<p>越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士</p><p><strong>其人简介,还没翻译出来。。</strong></p><p><strong>Sgt. Kenn Miller</strong> Bio (LRRP)After three voluntary extensions of his combat tours in an Airborne Ranger company in Vietnam, Kenn Miller returned briefly to the United States, then went to Taiwan, where he studied Chinese, majored in anthropology at National Taiwan University on the GI Bill, and worked as an English teacher and bilingual secretary for a trading company. After marrying and returning again to America, he studied history and English at the University of Michigan, and worked as a janitor, auto worker, physical education teacher, ghostwriter, and part time editor and &sup3;book doctor&sup2; for Ballantine, Ivy Books, and Naval Institute Press. In 1983, his novel Tiger the Lurp Dog was published by Atlantic Monthly Press, with a paperback edition by Ballantine. <br/><br/>Years later, Tiger the Lurp Dog was awarded the Bernal Diaz Prize for military fiction, and is often cited as one of the best novels to come out of the Vietnam War. In 1991, Probus published the hardcover edition of a book he wrote in collaboration with Larry Chambers, The First Time Investor, and in 1994, Probus published a trade paperback edition of this book.<br/><br/>In 1997, Ivy Books published the three volume military history, Six Silent Men. This was a team effort in which he assisted the authors of Book One, Reynel Martinez, and Book Three, Gary Linderer, while Book Two was published under his name. He is one of the founders and Senior Editor of the military special operations journal, Behind The Lines, for which he has written historical articles, book reviews, and a column, Fire in the Hole. <br/><br/>During 1967, 1968, and 1969, Kenn Miller served three voluntary extensions of his combat tours in Vietnam as a Long Range Patrol team member and team leader in LRRP Detachment, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division; F Company 58th Infantry (LRP); and L Company 75th Ranger. His awards and decorations include:<br/><br/>Bronze Star with "V" device and cluster <br/>urple Heart with oak leaf cluster<br/>Army Commendation Medal with "V" device and cluster<br/>Air Medal<br/>Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry<br/>Combat Infantry Badge. <br/></p><p>

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-12 1:44:13编辑过]

发表于 2007-8-12 02:27 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-12 02:07 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img src="http://www.spartanimports.com/IMAGES/OLC3/dvdolc3.jpg" width="625" alt=""/></p><p>DVD封套右图中间为 KENN MILLER</p><p><img height="188" src="http://www.spartanimports.com/IMAGES/OLC3/mcknight.jpg" width="150" alt=""/></p><p>DANNY MCKNIGHT</p><p>老头目前仍健在,2002年10月参加了史上最强类军事生存游戏:代号"狮爪"行动,他本人带队与1993年美军在索马里"艾琳"行动(电影&lt;&lt;黑鹰坠落&gt;&gt;所描述的战斗)中,负责地面车队任务的指挥官丹尼.麦克耐特(DANNY MCKNIGHT)所带部队对决!</p>
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发表于 2007-8-12 01:47 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-12 01:46 | 显示全部楼层
<p>老沃的DML 1/35封绘也不错,但还没找到大图</p>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-12 01:26 | 显示全部楼层

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士
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发表于 2007-8-12 01:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-8-12 01:15 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-12 01:16 | 显示全部楼层

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士

越战远程侦察巡逻 凯恩.米勒中士
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发表于 2007-8-12 16:10 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>jackson</i>在2007-8-12 15:17:00的发言:</b><br/><p>哈哈,找到大图了,老沃画的有全身黄金虎!</p></div><p>虽然是大图&nbsp; 但不是清晰版本</p><p></p><p></p><p>拍得不错,和TS效果图有得一拼</p>
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