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[参考] viaad作品:曾经的狩猎者,1944年初秋 / Once the hunter

发表于 2020-2-28 16:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBICN 上海旗舰淘宝店
Once the hunter.....

Hey everyone,
It was another great day for weather as Im sure it was for most. Not much on my schedule except for a birthday party and once that was done I was able to take a little bit of time for the hobby. Of course, I had to wash the wife's car first but after that then the day was mine! My friend Dave had called earlier wanting to know if we could get together. He was hoping to get his DML sherman out and about and he had an idea for a dio. We hooked up later in the day and went with his idea. A sherman tank and its crew being captured/surrending. The small dio turned out pretty good and and we made quick work of the shoot and then called it a day. It was a great weekend and i had a great time. I hope everyone else was able to do the same.

Early Fall 1944
A Sherman tank has become immobilized on a small country road after running over a mine. Unable to return the crew was hoping to repair the damage while its buddy tank returned for more help. However, before the tank can be repaired the tank is overrun by Panzergrenadiers and taken captive. The Grenadiers hold the ground until the Reconnaissance Battalion passes through their position on its way to establish the American lines. The road become a bottle neck with the Sherman blocking half of the small road making it difficut for multiple vehicles to pass. The Platoon commander questions the tank commander and shares the information with the Reconnaissance Battalion's Commander.










上一篇:Buildadiorama2作品:1/6 二战德军Sd.Kfz. 251C 中型半履带装甲运输车
下一篇:Mark作品:1/6 二战德军尊达普 KS 750 边三轮摩托车 / ZUNDAPP
发表于 2020-2-28 18:17 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-29 16:17 | 显示全部楼层

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