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[分享] 造物精灵——玛丽亚·潘芬洛娃的奇幻雕塑艺术

发表于 2023-11-13 13:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBICN 上海旗舰淘宝店
本帖最后由 禅punk 于 2023-11-18 15:24 编辑

Creativity Elf——The fantasy sculpture art of Maria Panfilova
——Zenpunk Collectibles——

Zbrush award finally has arrived to Russia! I_m very happy to hold it, it_s heav.jpg

  Digital Sculpture数字雕刻,是将数字技术与传统雕塑相结合的一种新的艺术形式。

  Digital Sculpture is a new art form that combines digital technology with traditional sculpture.
  In modern times, digital carving technology is widely used in fields such as film and television, anime, games, and product design. For example, in recent years, the popular Netflix product "Love Death&Robost" has extensively used digital carving technology to create characters and scenes in this film and television work, with stunning visual effects, especially the characters achieving unprecedented realistic effects; In the gaming industry, such as the Warhammer series, Devil may cry series, and Dawn of Wars series, digital carving technology is also used to create a more immersive gaming world for players.


  在这个迅速发展的领域中诞生了许多优秀的人才,他们不断创造出充满生命力的佳作。俄罗斯的数字原型师Maria Panfilova就是其中的佼佼者,她的作品因为其扎实的基本功和鲜明的个人风格受到了大众的喜爱。

  Many outstanding talents have emerged in this rapidly developing field, constantly creating masterpieces full of vitality. Maria Panfilova, a Russian digital prototyper, is one of the outstanding, and her works have been loved by the public due to her solid basic skills and distinct personal style.


Maria Panfilova
  俄罗斯知名3D雕刻艺术家,在动画、游戏和收藏品领域拥有超过10年的3D角色艺术家经验。曾与Axis Studios,Blur Studio,Unity,ArenaNet,Sideshow Collectibles等公司合作,参与过《鬼泣5》《命运2》《战锤40:战争黎明3》等游戏模型制作,很多经常关注3D作品的人对她并不陌生。曾获得过2018ZBrush年度最佳排名奖、最佳形象奖的提名。

A well-known 3D sculptor in Russia with over 10 years of experience as a 3D character artist in the fields of animation, gaming, and collectibles. She has collaborated with companies such as Axis Studios, Blur Studio, Unity, ArenaNet, Sideshow Collectibles, and participated in game model production such as "Devil May Cry 5", "Destiny 2", and "Warhammer 40: Dawn of War 3". Many people who often follow 3D works are not unfamiliar with her. I have been nominated for the 2018 ZBrush Annual Best Ranking Award and Best Image Award.



  (Q:Zenpunk   A:Maria Panfilova)



  Today, we had the privilege of interviewing this digital sculpture artist and had a conversation with him about sculpture art.

  (Q:Zenpunk   A:Maria Panfilova)

  Q:We noticed that you studied psychology in university and have been working in 3D since graduation. May I ask if your carving was self-learning or did you learn from a teacher?How did you enter the field/industry of 3D modeling?

  A: Most of the time, I learn from the internet, use online tutorials, and participate in online communities and forums. I also took short-term offline courses where I had the opportunity to establish connections with other aspiring artists. In one of the courses, a teacher gave me my first job in an animation studio, and that's how I officially entered this field.



  A:完成一项工作本身往往具有挑战性,我对自己完成的所有作品都很欣慰。偶尔,一个项目进展顺利,我能很快完成,我通常最喜欢这样的作品。其中《Monkeys in Trouble》和《Lennie》是我个人的最爱。

  Q:You have created many highly acclaimed works. Which one is your favorite?

  A:Finishing a work is often challenging in itself. I have a deep appreciation for all the pieces I've managed to complete :) Occasionally, a project flows smoothly, and I can finish it quickly, I usually love works made like that the most. "Monkeys in Trouble" and "Lennie" are among my personal favorites.

《Monkeys in Trouble》



  Q:Can you explain your understanding of sculpture? Why are you so passionate about designing and sculpting organisms?

  A:My initial interest in sculpture started when I wanted to create characters for games and animations. But making a full game with characters and stories usually involves working in a team (which is still fun but the process is different)
Sculpture, on the other hand, is a complete artwork that's all yours. You get to put all the emotions and the story into a single piece. That's why I love doing it in my free time. You have full control over the story you want to tell and how people see it. I enjoy the process of making small decisions and researching the subject. It's really satisfying to see how all those little decisions and research come together to create something new.




  Q:Which of the three types of work do you prefer in making movies, games, and collectibles? Or what are the different experiences of these three types of work for you?

  A:I'd say working movies and games offer similar experiences, but there's a bit more technical work involved, and you always collaborate within a team, adapting to the project's requirements. When working on collectibles, it's also a team effort, but you have greater control over the final result. You express the story through the pose and composition yourself. The outcome is quite distinct. Movies and games provide interactive experiences and involve animation, whereas sculpture is more of a niche art form intended for a specific audience of collectors. Initially, I didn't set out to create statues from my work, but I truly appreciate that some people want to display pieces like that on their shelves.

Adrian Smith's satyr》


  A:有很多艺术家对我产生了影响。我最喜欢那些雕塑更具表现力,有时甚至更粗糙的艺术家,那些作品给了他们更多的能量。雕塑家如Simon Lee, Shiflett Brothers, Entei Ryu, Zhelong Xu, Qi Sheng Luo和其他艺术家,我钦佩他们的解剖学水平,肯定会向他们学习,比如Steve Lord, Daniel Bel, Leon Enriquez, Rodion Vlasov, Gio Nakpil等等。你可以在Instagram上看到我关注的人,查看所有的艺术家。

  Q:Your artistic foundation is solid and your work style is distinct. Which artists have influenced your artistic style?

  A:Many artists have had an impact on me. My favorite artists are those whose sculptures are more expressive and sometimes even rougher, as those works give them more energy. Sculptors such as Simon Lee, Shiflett Brothers, Entei Ryu, Zhelong Xu, Qi Sheng Luo, and other artists, I admire their anatomical level and will definitely learn from them, such as Steve Lord, Daniel Bel, Leon Enriquez, Rodion Vlasov, Gio Nakpil, and so on. You can see the people I follow on Instagram and view all the artists.
  In addition, my inspiration mainly comes from comic artists and fantasy 2D artists. Especially those who work in line drawing.



  A:我大部分时间都花在Zbrush上,这是数字雕塑家使用的一个非常常见的软件。为了使我的作品可视化,我还使用了Substance Painter、Maya和Redshift。我个人不从事3D打印或手绘,我主要关注的是数字方面。

  Q:What are your commonly used creative software? Can you share your experiences using these software and entering the 3D industry with newcomers?

  A:Most of my time is spent in Zbrush, which is a very common software used by digital sculptors. To visualize my work, I also utilize Substance Painter, Maya, and Redshift. I don't personally engage in 3D printing or hand painting; my primary focus is on the digital aspect.
  Many new artists in modeling opt for Blender over Maya, and I agree with that choice. However, when it comes to sculpting, Zbrush remains the best tool in my opinion.




  Q:The carving of the Lemur Dragon this time is very exciting and impressive. How did you come up with the idea of creating the image of the Lemur Dragon?

  A:It started with a very sketchy sketch (see the image), I like the way animals sleep on trees and when their paws dangle in the air. Just seeing the silhouette of the dangling paw and the wing in the sketch was enough for me to feel confident about the sculpture.
I draw a lot of inspiration from animals and strive to blend their behaviors with a fantasy world. When sculpting a dragon, I always aim to come up with a fresh design. I don't always succeed, but this time I'm really pleased with how it turned out.





  Q: Thank you for sharing, which has greatly benefited us.

  A: You're welcome.


  We are looking forward to Maria bringing more mysterious and beautiful creatures into reality in the future.



  In a place far from the mortal world, there is a mysterious realm that has not been disturbed by human civilization. This continent has nurtured many unique creatures, such as playful elves, giant mountain monsters, dark spirits, and even dragons in various forms. They have multiplied and thrived in this paradise, forming a unique ecological environment and composing touching legendary stories.


——Zenpunk Collectibles——
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